Dr. Yamaguchi Greenslet's laboratory develops new magnetic field-assisted finishing (MAF) processes, which are precision machining processes that utilize magnetic fields and are thus not based on conventional ideas. These innovative processes are gaining industrial importance by improving productivity and quality, reducing manufacturing costs, and enabling new designs. Her research focuses on the underlying processing principles and evaluates the significance of the process both analytically and experimentally. In addition to realizing single-digit, nanometer-scale, ultra-precision finishing, her research includes a study of the development of original magnetic abrasives, composites, and slurries. The applications of her technology include: 1) the ultra-precision finishing of MEMS-fabricated x-ray optics and wafers; 2) the internal finishing/cleaning of capillary tubes for chemical and biomedical applications; 3) the functional surface fabrication of free-form components; and 4) the fabrication of prostheses.
- B.S. Eng, Utsunomiya University, Tochigi, Japan, Precision Engineering, 1991
- M.S. Eng., Utsunomiya University, Tochigi, Japan, Precision Engineering, 1993
- Dr. Eng., Utsunomiya University, Tochigi, Japan, Production and Information Science, 1996
- Associate Professor, 2007-present, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida
- Associate Professor, 2000-2007, Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Utsunomiya University, Japan
- Researcher Abroad (sponsored by Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), 2002-2003, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
- Research Associate, 1998-2000, Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Utsunomiya University, Japan
- Visiting Researcher (sponsored by Utsunomiya University), 2000, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta
- Research Engineer, 1997-1998, Extrude Hone Corporation, Irwin, PA
- Research Associate, 1996-1997, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Research Fellow, 1994-1996, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- Internship (sponsored by the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience), 1991, Paul Scherrer Intitut, Villigen, Switzerland
- 2008 Certificate of Merit for Excellent Paper of the Conference, 3rd JSME/ASME International Conference on Materials and Processing (ICMP2008), Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, "Study of Magnetic Field Assisted Finishing of Quartz Wafers"
- 2006 Best Paper Award, International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Manufacturing Engineering Division, "Study of Internal Finishing of Austenitic Stainless Steel Capillary Tubes by Magnetic Abrasive Finishing"
- 2006 Best Proceeding Award, Machine Tool Engineering Foundation, "Study of Magnetic Field Assisted Finishing Process for Micro Grooves"
- 2003 Outstanding Young Engineer (Research) Award, Japan Society for Abrasive Technology, "In recognition of significant achievement and leadership in Abrasive Technology"
- 2000 John T. Parsons Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, "In recognition of significant achievement and leadership in Manufacturing Engineering."
- 1997 Best Paper Award, Japan Society for Abrasive Technology, "A New Process for Internal Finishing of Nonferromagnetic Vessels by the Application of Magnetic Field Assisted Machining."
- 1995 Outstanding Young Engineer (Research) Award, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, "In recognition of significant achievement and leadership in Mechanical Engineering."
- 1993 Outstanding Presentation Award, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Manufacturing and Machine Tool Division, "Study on the New Internal Finishing of a Non-ferromagnetic Tubing by Magnetic Abrasive Machining Process."